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14 June 2013

Morning Dew Kusudama

After doing 9 intersecting planes it had started to become monotonous. I began with 10 intersecting planes  but after making about 10 units, my energy drained.  I thought of trying something else for a change. That's when I came across this beautiful Kusudama flower. Very easy to do. It requires glue since there is no pocket and flap in this model. I made a Kusudama flower ball,12 flowers arranged in dodecahedron fashion and hung in my apartment. Take a look at the video below which has more photos of Kusudama.

From wiki : The word itself is a combination of two Japanese words kusuri, Medicine, and tama, Ball. They are now typically used as decorations, or as gifts.The kusudama is important in origami particularly as a precursor to the modular origami genre. It is often confused with modular origami, but is not such because the units are strung or pasted together, instead of folded together as most modular construction are made.

Designed by : Makoto yamaguchi (Kusudama Ball Origami)

Here's the link:
No of units: 60 units to make Kusudama ball. 5 units to make a single flower
Paper size used : 5" x 5"  
Difficulty: easy model.
Paper used: normal color printer paper
Time: 5 to 6 hours

I took more time to complete this, like 4-5 days. I did not do continuously, spent around 1-2 hour per day.
Some sites that inspired me to try Kusudama flower:

Music : Richard Stoltzman's Maid with the Flaxen Hair


  1. of all your creations so far, I loved this one the most!

  2. Thanks so much Ashwini. This is very simple, you can also make one. This is a traditional Japanese module.

  3. wow Deeee.. u r a pro now... loved all your work :)

  4. Hey Shru, thank you very much. :) I am glad you liked all my work.
