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23 April 2023

360 units Bucky ball


360 units hybrid Bucky ball

I made this 360 unit Bucky ball using two types of units. 

Generally  a kusudama is made out of one type of unit. 

For the pentagons I've used penultimate units designed by Robert Neale... This requires 3:4 paper ratio...

For the hexagons I've used phizz units by Tom Hull...

60 penultimate units
300 phizz units...

No glue used

Tom Hull demonstrated in his video how to build larger Bucky balls. I used that as a reference..

It demands lot of patience and is time consuming. It might have taken around 4-5 days to complete. While folding the units, i felt it was never ending... I felt like, why did I even take up this project... Nevertheless kept going. It was fun, tiresome, frustrating, interesting... I also felt like I shouldn't have taken penultimate units, rather i could have used phizz throughout.... Because penultimate units were little tricky to assemble, it got confusing too where to use penultimate units...

I used 5 cm square papers from Tuttle

In the photo you can see the pentagons using penultimate units are bumpy.

Until next time.... Happy folding 🌺🌺🌺🌺

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