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01 November 2022

My origami display


I've been doing origami for more than a decade now and it has always been my dream to display it somewhere. i once(in 2013 if i'm not wrong) displayed my models in sunnyvale public library california and it looked so beautiful. since then i wished to buy a curio to showcase my folds at home. recently this wish resurfaced in my mind and i went searching for a glass cabinet. the best i could get was one from ikea @ikea.india

I bought this glass cabinet and last two days i spent some time in decorating it. please take a look and also i made a short video with close up view

This curio has all the models folded by me in the time period 2019 to till now. i emptied one box out of 3 big boxes... i still don't know what to do with other boxes. in 2019 i had to discard whatever i did till then and it hurt me badly... atleast now i've found a nice home to my models..

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