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03 January 2024

Best 9 of 2023


These are Top 9 models from 2023, that got maximum likes on Instagram

2023 was a good year to me in terms of origami art. I folded several models, majority modular origami, in 2023. I folded Bucky balls that were in my to do list from a long time. I folded 120, 270 and 360 units Bucky balls using Thomas Hull's phizz units. I also ventured to fold torus ring using same phizz units by Thomas Hull. This is the highest polyhedra I've ever folded. 

I also tried a spiked pentakis dodecahedron.

 I also got a gig to conduct a workshop to kids of Salesforce employees. 

It was a fantastic year for origami art.

In our origami community, every year end many of us posts a college of 9 of our best folds. Since this year I had folded quite a number of modulars, I made a college.

I wish every artists and non-artists a happy new year 2024

Until next time Sayonara... 

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